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Smoking fet--- variations

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Smoking fet--- variations

I've always thought it interesting on how many variations that the smoking fet--- has. One only has to look on Yahoo groups to appreciate that. Personally I think it has more than most respective fetishes. There is smoking in leather, with gloves, in fur, in satin, with holders, cork filters, all white, 120's, brown cigarettes, cigars, dangles, exhales, lighting, holding in hand, with painted nails and on and on. While most of then men that I've talked to who actually had the fet--- admitted to me that they just enjoyed watching women smoke. Personally I think that it's mostly that men enjoy sexy women who actually smoke sexy (know how to smoke correctly). One of my all time favorite quotes about smoking is from Sigmund Freud, he said "that smoking is a form of oral passion let there be no doubt".

Now I love to do unofficial experiments but first let me give you some background. I always try to look and dress nice. It's just the way I was brought up. My mother always taught me that when you go out in public, you should look nice. I'm rarely seen out in public without some makeup, my hair fixed and with decent clothes. I also try very hard to stay fit. I excercise 3-5 times per week, eat healthy and TRY and watch my weight. Which is very perplexing to my doctor. He says "you really take care of yourself, why do you smoke?" Which I always reply, "I have to keep up my bad girl image somhow!" Now for years I worked in the city for a global corp. in management and had to dress the part every day. But I've always loved to live in the country. So my experiment? When I go to the bar in the little town where I live and go out on the smoking deck for a cigarette, who gets more attention, the woman who has no makeup, hair pulled back and wearing farm clothes or the woman with her hair and makeup done wearing a long leather coat with high heel boots and gloves? Oh and BTW, my nickname in my little town (for those who don't know me by name) is...THE CITY GIRL. Which I find most endearing!

Ok, I've been long winded enough today. And sorry if I bored you. This is a subject which I love to talk about and discuss with those who share the passion for it. Try and remember, we are on here to have fun with a subject that is very dear to us...

So on that note,

I appoligize ahead of time for:

Making any gramatical mistakes
Offending anyone
Contradicting someone else or their respective opinions
Sounding boastfull or pompus
and anything else I'm forgetting! Because two things happen when you get old (Like me!)
First, you start losing your memory and I can't remember the second thing!

Please remember, I enjoy talking with and discussing the aftermentioned subject with anyone here.

We are here to have fun.


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October 29, 2008
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`"I've always thought it interesting on how many variations that the smoking fet--- has. One only has to look on Yahoo groups to appreciate that. Personally I think it has more than most respective fetishes. There is smoking in leather, with gloves, in fur, in satin, with holders, cork filters, all white, 120's, brown cigarettes, cigars, dangles, exhales, lighting, holding in hand, with painted nails and on and on."
Yes there are quite a few different variations on the smoking fetish. I have several.
I enjoy seeing women who smoke these particular brands: Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Merit, and Parliament.
I find a woman attractive when she uses another cigarette to chain-light the one she is about to smoke.
From time to time I like to see a woman smoke two cigarettes simultaneously.
I am often turned on when a women uses a leather cigarette case (the kind with the snap top).
The greatest smoking fet--- I have is seeing a woman keep her pack of cigarettes tucked in her waistband, particularly when she is wearing jeans or a bikini.

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July 31, 2004
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capnolognia. That's the scientific name, we're famous fetishers! lol.

For me its a pretty deep s----l thing to be sure. I have no idea if its the bad-girl image or not, maybe so, I just love to watch a woman smoke. No real drugs to speak of, no other afflictions, totally normal contributing member of society, lol. Pretty fit too, not really overweight, shop at whole foods now and again. I know what smoking does, I guess its just one of the few demons I choose to give in to.

Anyways, I'm rambling, I'll try to find this board and post again, I think I've seen pics of you alanna...that is if your the famous smoking alanna, prolly not and I'm an --- but anyways.....carry on.

Nice to see you like the country, cities are great to visit but that's about it. Lights

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Well, for me, the fet--- is as stated in my profile. I really love a woman to blow thick exhales of cigarette smoke directly in my face and really love smoke rings blown in my face. All the dangling, holding, inhales, light ups, brands.....they are all well and good. But, to me, a real smoker exhales thick smoke and smoke rings. Women don't have to be models to be attractive smokers, just be able to blow thick exhales and smoke rings, to get my attention.

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May 18, 2009
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`From what I have read and seen , most fetishes always have unique elements to them. I mean if it was just leather , why so many type of leather attire and accessories? Look at the big video site and some clips are inhales, some drags , some rings...gloves,leather etc

I have favourite aspects of smoking but most often it is a set of gestures, confidence, "look" that gets my intrigue.

Pretty new here so guess I better work on my posting disclaimer before I get flamed for UK spelling , grammar etc

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December 24, 2009
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`For me smoking fet--- is all about the joy. I don't care how the hottie is dressed, I don't care what cigarette she smokes (I am not a cigar fan, though), the only important thing is that she enjoys smoking. This is extremely sexy IMO. For this reason I like nose exhales, snap inhales, french inhales. I love the satisfied look on the girl's face after a good drag. I like the craving she has and love to see her satisfy the craving. On the other hand I hate force smoking, gas-masks, ash into the mouse etc these are huge turn-offs for me.

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March 24, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Classic VERVE slim menthols
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What I love the most when I watch a woman smoke? Ohhh yea especially when they pop open a packet of red burgundy Classic Verve and the place this slim cig in between their well manicured finger nails which fits perfectly in between the forefinger and middle finger ah! Magnificent view! Don't discriminate though man should also try these slim menthols very satisfying indeed!

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May 20, 2008
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`For me, the biggest turn-on is a cigarette holder, the longer the better. IMHO, this is a fashion accessory that is in dire need of a comeback. To that end, I have actually talked a friend of mine into using a holder. Now she uses one every time she smokes.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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My fet--- started out as watching women smoke .I found that sexy knowing they enjoyed a phallic symbol in their mouth.I preferred watching women who obviously enjoyed smoking and teasing men with it.Later i imagined them smoking and having S-- with men.As i became a smoker i emulated them.Being male i gradually realized the deeper need was for me to *rally please men as well and be a smoker who acts seductively with i became a fulltime smoker of benson and hedges 100s and secretly pleasured men who needed it.This happened throughout my marriage and once i was divorced I became a fulltime c----ucking smoking ----.I enjoy being with men most who enjoy my smoking or smoke themselves.I incorporate my smoking with giving b---j--s as well as after s--.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I still enjoy watching others smoke.The biggest turnon is to see an experienced smoker male or female place a cigarette eagerly in their mouth with practiced hand.You can see that craving and anticipation as they light up. That 1st deep inhale with hollowed cheeks especially gets me going. I know i smoke like that myself.The more oral a person is the more this act is noticeable.The ones who truly love cigarettes show pleasure in their face when doing this. It is often more than subtle in their facial expression.I truly believe you can tell the difference between smoking addicts who love their cigs and those that smoke through nervousness or habit.The ones that love it smoke slower and more deeply with very obvious satisfaction. The sight of a cigarette in the mouth either dangling or being sucked on is the best.It always reminded me of a ----- like substitute.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

My female friend at 50 always seems to have a man.Even in this day and age her smoking attracts them. She is slim and has a sexy figure while having a bit of a B----y face and crudity.She says in the bedroom the men seem to love it.She is very no nonsense and is a fully addicted smoker who craves her cigarettes.She says that smoking has made her very good at *rally pleasing men as the mechanics of it are so similar to smoking.And as she says if men love your b---j--s they come back for more.She has also smoked for men in the bedroom and she says often the married ones love that the most and the most conservative seem the most aroused by a smoking B---- who blows smoke all around.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I realize that there are many different things about smoking women that can arouse a man. But I wonder whether the multitude can be reduced to a few basic motivators. Speaking for myself, I find it most impressive if a woman can smoke and at the same time take good care of herself, like Alanna. The "basic motivator" for me is that I tend to be perfectionist (and used to be a staunch anti-smoker), and that over the years, I have learned that breaking rules and not be so perfect can have a lot of advantages in life. It's a bit like the saying "nice guys always finish last." In fact, I have often been described as a guy who is nice, reliable, and so on, and even interesting because of the variety of my interests, but perhaps se---lly a bit boring to women precisely because I seem to have a "duty twoe-shoe" aura. This is in nice contrast to Alanna, who wants to preserve her "bad girl" image. It turns me on when an attractive woman who smokes and who knows that I don't smoke offers me a cigarette because I sense that if I were to hang out with such a woman and give to her offer of a cigarette in with increasing frequency over time, I would perhaps start losing my "duty two-shows" image, and the slight health risks connected with moderate smoking could be offset with advantages in other areas. So to bring it to a point: The "basic motivator" in my case is the desire to be "corrupted" by a seductive female smoker while learning from her and becoming stronger in some ways. Does this ring a bell with anyone else, or is my motivation somewhat unique? What is the basic motivator for other guys? And is it really true that the smoking fet--- affects almost exclusively men?

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July 5, 2020
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:22 am    Post subject:
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Hi I remember that my boyfriend asked me what exactly was the smoking turnon for me.
I had to think about that question, and for me it is not just one thing, its a whole range of
small smoking details, like seeing a snapinhale, but performed to the perfection, a good exhale, or a good nose exhale, a dangle sometimes do it for me too. Even the brand a man or woman smokes can be a turn on or turn off too.
Seeing some beautifull woman smoking a ultra light is allways a turn off, or extreme shallow inhales. But when a woman or man smokes a strong brand, inhales awesome deep, performing a good snapinhale, exhaling in several long streams their smoke back out, can do it for me very often.
So its for me not an easy to answer question Matt

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