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 cityslicker81 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Smoking stories? fave brands? why do you enjoy smoking? |
Would anyone like to add their opinions in smoking, why they started, what brands? how often etc...?
I smoke 40 Benson and Hedges Gold per day rising to 60-and even 80 (very rarely!) if I'm out in bars and clubs or with other likeminded smokers. I started as a teenager, under no peer pressure, and haven't looked back. I love the first fag of the day, and each and every one that follows!!
Happy smoking all! |
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Joined: November 7, 2005
Posts: 21
Posted: Post subject: That's a lot in one post |
Could be several threads but here goes...
My opinion of smoking - It's wonderful. I don't feel complete if I don't have a full bodied cigarette in my mouth. I just wish more people smoked.
Why did I start - My parents and alll their friends smoked. I can remember as eary as 8 yrs old wanting to smoke. I wasn kinda shy and didn't start until I was 14 but from then on I've loved it! I always knew I'd become a smoker and I'll always be a smoker.
Brands - Well I experiment and I like variety as long as the taste is rich. I've smoked B&H, Marlboro, Camel & Virginia Slims as my mainstays over the years. I prefer longer cigarettes as they last longer, keep the smoke out of my eyes and frankly they look sexier.
How often - about 30 a day. This goes up and down a bit depending on the situation.
I don't find the first of the day to be my favorite. For me it's in the evening after a good meal or if I'm drinking I chain smoke which is definition of bliss. |
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 jacki_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
The brands I've smoked over the years somehow reflected other events in my life.
I started smoking in 1976. I was fortunate enough to have started with my mother's blessing (even though I was 12), so I smoked her brand, True 100's. It was a light cigarette before lights were "in".
In 1979, with the introduction of numerous lights styles, I made a statement of my own, and chose my own first brand, Benson & Hedges Lights 100's. It was something I could, at the time, call my own.
I got engaged to another smoker in 1983, and we discussed how cool and convenient it would be if we smoked the same thing. He was a Marlboro Lights guy. I didn't mind Marlboro taste, but I had never smoked anything shorter than a 100, so I insisted on the extra length. We compromised on Marlboro Lights 100's. It was something that we called "our own".
I got pregnant in 1985 (unplanned but not regretted), I was 21. Despite wanting to quit, I wasn't too successful. The thought of a longer (120) cigarette not only seemed helpful in getting my numbers down, but with the introduction of Virginia Slims 120's, seemed to be downright intriguing! My sister and I both switched. She still smokes them 20 years later. I'd smoke them until 1988.
My husband and I went our separate ways 2 years later. In 1988, I happened to be in the store, and noticed a display, a brand called Max 120's. The absence of the word "Lights" on the pack got my attention more than anything else. I bought a pack, just so I could try it. And of course, I lit up as I walked out the door. By the time I got to the car, I put the rest of my groceries in the car, turned around, went back inside, and bought a carton. And pretty much been smoking them ever since.
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Joined: November 17, 2005
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Posted: Post subject: smoking |
hi jacki
i am a 25 year smoker. i smoke winston full flavor and also enjoy my habit. hope to correspond with you sometime
dave |
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 jacki_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Sometimes when I buy a carton of my regular brand, I'll buy a pack of something different. Winston Fulls 100's (sorry, I prefer the longer ones) have been my choice several times. Next pack I buy, I'll think of you!
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Joined: November 7, 2005
Posts: 21
Posted: Post subject: Brands |
I smoked True when I first started cause it's all I could get. I'd forgotten about that. I switched to B&H pretty quick though, thought their ads were classy and I liked the length and strength. I even smoked Max for a short period.
A couple years ago I realized I wasn't enjoying my cigarettes as much as I used to and realized it was because they reformulated them for less tar, which meant less taste. I looked for something with the old time flavor and found Camel 100's. They are excellent and I'd suggest you look for a pack of them some time. |
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Joined: February 14, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: |
I love smoking, i started when i was 16 and love menthol cigarettes, i smoke 40 richmond superkings menthol a day mmmmmm. |
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 steve25uk (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I started smoking through curiosity, because both my parents smoked as I grew up. Also, from the age of about 12(ish) I was aware that I was intrigued by the site of women smoking. This was the roots of my fetish. I messed about and pinched the odd cigarette for a few years. About 5-6 years ago I started smoking on a regular basis, albiet not heavily, (I only smoke 3-4 on the average day, 6 at the most).
I am a closet smoker. You may find this strange since I'm 25 years old. The reason is that I've done it so many years in secret that it would be very difficult to 'come out' now. I also think it would take some of the excitment away for me if I could just light up at any time.
I've been married now for 18 months and my wife doesn't even know I smoke, I'm very careful about where I smoke (in the back garden late at night when she's in bed and there's no chance of being caught by the neighbours either, in the attic if I'm home and I know she won't be home for at least 2 hours, also, there are a few good secret places in town when I'm on my way to work in a morning that I can smoke and it's unlikely I'll get caught), neither does she know about my fetish, I've been collecting smoking fet--- material off the internet for a good few years now and am quite good at keeping it hidden.
I smoke superkings menthol generally. I like the length and the fact that they're all white. I do like to try other brands too, I've been known to try mayfair superkings menthol, lambert and butler menthol, rothmans royals 120's, mores (normal and menthol), and more recently, Richmond superkings menthol, I'm likeing these and can see why you love smoking them so much berkeley. I do like the occasional non-menthol cigarette, but I prefer menthols.
I think that smoking menthols is becoming more common in this country, it used to be a rarity, now quite a lot more people do. If I see a pretty girl in the street with a menthol cigarette in her hand I go weak at the knees. There's one particular girl that I see quite a few mornings. Now every male smoke fetisher would surely admit that schoolgirl smokers (in the 15-17 range) are a sight to behold, this girl fits that description, I only see her for about 10 seconds when I do. I'll be on the bus on my way to work and the path where all the kids walk to school runs alongside some traffic lights where the bus often has to wait, it's always worth having a look out of the window incase there's any girls having a sly cig on their way to school, this one particular girl, I'd say she's about 17, always walks on her own with a menthol cig on the go, it makes my mornings that bit brighter.
Well, I've rambled for long enough. I hope I haven't upset anyone by talking about my fetish, it's just a huge part of the smoking experience for me, and I hope to find some like minded folks here. |
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 brewens_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I was about 12 when I started sneaking a few cigs. Just puffed on them without inhaling a few times. I really thought I wanted to smoke cigars and was able to buy them so I smoked a few a week.
I got started on cigs when a couple of cute neighbor girls Janice and Lynn started. Janice was teaching the Lynn how to inhale and about how nice it feels when you get used to it. I was smoking one of my cigars and knew from accidently inhaling once not to try it with my cigar. That did get me curious so a few days later I tried inhaling a cigarette. It was nice that I knew from Janice to just take tiny drags right at first and I was able to get used to them over the next few days without choking too much or getting sick.
That was when I started thinking girls that smoked were really sexy and developed a huge crush on Betsy the woman that cut my hair. She was a cute brunette about 30 that smoked Winstons. She was customer at my moms business and I got a chance to ask her for a cigarette and she gave me one. I guess I asked her because I wanted her to know I smoked too. Back then anyone about that age could buy cigs unless they looked really young so it was no big deal for someone her age to give me one.
A week or so later I was sitting down at her shop to get my hair cut and she asked me if I wanted a cigarette and I about freaked! Of course I said yes and she gave me one and lit it for me. There I was a 14 year old beginning smoker with a budding smoking fetish, having my first cigarette in public in a beauty shop with about 4 other women that were all smoking. I'm pretty sure that Betsy was pleased to see a fairly good looking young guy get started. From then on I always made sure to bring my own.
About 15 years ago my girlfriend was with me buying cigars at a local tobacco shop and she asked me to try a pipe. I was lucky to find a really nice pipe tobacco right away and loved it.
Now I try and stick to pipes and cigars at home and usually only buy cigarettes if I go out to the bar. Trying not to inhale too much so I can continue to enjouy smoking for many years. |
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 leatherchris_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
My favorite brand is capri menthol lights 120, but have tried VS menthol lights, and benson hedges. all really good but always came back to smoking my capri's. i smoke because it is a good way to relax, and socialize with others. bye for now. |
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Joined: January 7, 2006
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Hi everyone. I will confess to you all that I was an outspoken antismoker when I was an innocent young child. But that all changed when I reached puberty and found that I was mainly attracted to girls who smoked, especially those who smoke a lot, and that I rarely fancied girls who didn't smoke even if they were stunningly attractive.
This was a dilemma for me at the time until I came to realise that quality of life is what matters not how long you live. At this point I for the first time felt comfortable about the idea of being a smoker myself. About 3 months later I started in March 1989 when I was 16 when a group of attractive young girls at my school, all smokers themselves, said that they'd all be chasing after me if I took up the habit.
I've smoked on and off since then and now feel that I don't want to give up for several reasons:
1) It makes me a lot more appealing to the women I fancy
2) I consider smoking to be a part of me and feel that my life is not complete when I don't have a fag in my hand
3) When I look at what the world is coming to I will probably be better off dying young
I smoke roll ups because it is a lot cheaper and I can smoke more for less, but like the odd manufactured cigarette every now and then. |
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 jacki_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
It's amazing how attitudes change! My daughter was a serious anti until she was 15, always preaching to me about my smoking with the propaganda they fed her at school. But once her cousins started, she just had to try. Today, 4 years later, there's absolutely no coming between her and her cigarettes.
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 marciagrace (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: My smoking story |
I love smoking and live for my ciggies. Smoking is who i am ,my life and i would never wish it to be any different. I always wanted to smoke.My mum was and still is a very heavy smoker and i just loved it, the image the lifestyle and the "im a smoker stuff you approach". I say that in respect of other parents sneering at my mum and her friends who always seemed to have a fag to hand. We were constantly told how bad cigarettes were and my mum used to rubbish that andsay that smoking was lovely.That was good enough for me and i started pinching my mums fags when i was about 8 years old. I was hooked within a couple of years and was allowed to smoke at home when i was 10. I loved it, i can remember taking my mum a coffee to her bed in the morning and we'd sit smoking cigarettes and talking. All my pocket money and odd job money went on fags, i was soon on 20 a day and by 16 years old on 40 a day. Always benson and hedges special filter ( golds ). I was always in trouble at school for smoking and they just gave up in the end. Through uni to this day ive smoked more and more and my personality is that of a smoker. Im lucky to be able to smoke at work where my astay is always full inviting comments from the health police. To be honest i dont care, i live for my ciggies and am not health concious at all. I love to sit and read and chain smoke, i hate sports and excercise and dont get on with people who jog or workout.Thats me, im single at the mo but have recently finished a five year relationship. I only datesmokers, non smokers would hate me. Its nice to fing this site and i look forward to many discussions with you all. |
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Joined: October 14, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: Started smoking at older age |
Not sure at all how common it is - have met few to none who have done this.
I started smoking socially about 5 years ago. I just found it was one of the few things that relaxed me and that I found it attractive in many ways. On top of that, I enjoyed to taste and feel of the smoke. Sort of gradually progressed from there - started smoking on the way to and from work and was up to about half a pack a day after 6 months. Then I started having 1 or 2 morning cigarettes (the feeling after smoking your first in the morning when you get out of bed is wonderful). Finally I started taking smoking breaks at work 3 or 4 times a day. Am now smoking a little over a pack a day and love it.
I smoke Marlboro Light 100s - just love the way they look! |
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 bigbelly83 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I have always had a fascination with smoking, although I have had to hide this from my parents who are both devote anti smokers and so I felt I had to give the impression that I was an anti smoker. I remember when I was about 7, planning the cigarette brands i'd smoke when I was older.
When I was about 12 I used to look for cigarette butts around the shops near to where I lived. When I found a sizable butt I would straighten it out and take it to a secluded location. I would wipe the end with a tissue, light it (just by holding a match over it, not putting it in my mouth) and then just held ti, sometimes brringing the filter up to my mouth and sucking the smoke (although I don't think I inhaled). Although others at that time were smoking at school, I couldn't because I had to be a "good boy" and we were all lead to believe that smoking is "bad". For the next few years I had major problems interacting with the other students. I was desperate to get into a group where I could smoke. That time finally arrived when I was 14. During the summer every few nights I would hang out with this group and try and smoke cigarettes (they were really harsh on the throat at the time), enjoying the intoxication felt by the "nicotine rush", although I didn't have the confidence to reveal my smoking habits to everyone until I was 17.
Shortly after I became attracted to members of the opposite sex, I felt that (among other things) smoking made women look prettier. My liking for women who smoked grew throughout the years and I remember kissing a girl who smoked when I hadn't had any cigarettes and absolutely loving it. When I was 16/17, the only things which would turn me on or the only women I ever thought about were ones who smoked. As these were the kind of females I was attracted to, I suppose i've always had an innate desire to impress them.
Also smoking has given me an outlet and escape from all the interactional problems I was having with my peers. After enduring the amount of bullying/taunting I did and having to live with everyone thinking I had mental disabilities, smoking was like a reward and when I felt the smoke going down my throat, all my problems seemed so much better. I sometimes took myself for walks in the country where I would be free from the hastles of people, where I only had cigarettes for company.
Other reasons I smoke are because of how it improved my walking after my head injury. It was the motivation to walk to the shops everyday for my 10 cigarettes which caused me to make such a good recovery and to fight against this class divide which currently exists in the UK with regard to smoking. Smoking also gives me an inner confidence and causes me to stand up to chavs when they start demanding cigarettes. My circle of friends now are all smokers and I feel that smokers are the more friendly/genuine of people. |
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