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Taking the government to court over the smoking ban please h

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Posted:     Post subject: Taking the government to court over the smoking ban please h

Hi there all,

Not sure if I can do this, but we are all smokers and it is for a good reason, please moderators, please check our site out, we are really doing what I say but need help.

Next year the government are trying to stop us smoking in pubs and clubs and other places. We have worked out that not one person has died from passive smoke and no one has been harmed, and the smoking rates are up in Ireland New Zealand and Scotland since the bans, if you want hard evidence of this please ask.

We have so much evidence, like smoking rates are down but cancer is on the rise, it is all the diesel in the air and other pollutants that is giving the rise to more cancer and the Government are trying to cover this up.


Our new site is up and running, please please please could you donate, it would make our day, a £1 £10 £100, or even a £1000000 pounds, I hate asking for donations, not sure if I can on this site, sorry if I can't, but it is for a great thing, it's for the Judicial review to stop the UK Government from implementing the smoking ban in pubs and clubs, come on all lets put one over on the Government, lets show them ass's up, we actually had an amendment put in the house of Lords, it was for smoking rooms in pubs and good ventilation, 70 Lords voted for, but 215 against, when we win we will then help every country.

Here is a little bit from,


Speaking exclusively to the MA, their leader and spokesperson Robert Feal-Martinez said,
"We had a full consultation meeting last week with Swindler Gill of Omero's. "Mr Gill is a Judaical Review specialist and has indicated that we have a number of key areas on which to challenge the Government.
"We have devised an action plan and are currently collating the evidence ready to refer to our Barrister"

He went onto say that Mr. Gill has consulted with Richard Gordon QC a top civil rights Barrister who is keen to take on the case.
The man for us Martinez said: "Obviously we are delighted with this news, we identified Mr. Gordon early on as the man for us, and hopefully this will be the case."

Freedom to Choose now needs to raise the money for the case and would ask that any group, company or individual who can financially assist gets in touch.

Martinez said,"We have been writing to individual members of various trade bodies as we feel the executives of the main organizations have let their members down. We are getting more and more support."

He concluded by requesting that trade leaders now get involved, "Surely it's better for Pub's and brewers to donate a few thousand to our fight rather than spending millions which in the end we believe will not be necessary. Our legal team are confident we can win. So are we."

Please spread the word around on what we are doing.


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