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The Coming Depression

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June 7, 2008
Posts: 21

PostPosted:     Post subject: The Coming Depression
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For anyone interested enough, my strong advice is to find a time line on the web of the 1928-1928 Depression and have a think. What is happening now is a carbon copy of what happened eighty years ago. The media is not talking about the coming Derivatives market crash - and for very good reason. When that happens and it will this year (probably sooner rather than later) tobacco will again become prohibitively expensive - just like last time.
My advice is to spend as much money as you can afford stocking up for the inevitable. I also suggest that you purchase snuff because when you can't reasonably obtain tobacco any more, snuff can help you get through. You're only other alternative will be highly price pharmaceuticals.
Just do it!

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`You're right. It's a similar situation economically but I can't imagine that tobacco prices will rise significantly. Tobacco is not a rare resource and so a derivatives market crash won't strongly affect prices in my opinion.

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`I think what we should be stocking up on is GOLD and SILVER and other commodities, since the dollar will go down and down against them. Other currencies will not fare much better, i.e. the pound the yen and the euro. The increasing debt loads will necessitate to "Quantitative Easing" = printing money. And that happens with other currencies also but is esp. severe with the Dollar and the Pound. And meanwhile keep on smoking.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I think what we should be stocking up on is GOLD and SILVER and other commodities, since the dollar will go down and down against them. Other currencies will not fare much better, i.e. the pound the yen and the euro. The increasing debt loads will necessitate to "Quantitative Easing" = printing money. And that happens with other currencies also but is esp. severe with the Dollar and the Pound. And meanwhile keep on smoking.

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June 7, 2008
Posts: 21

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I believe that the markets will crash by mid-September at the latest. I've reasons for this belief that are too lengthy to go into. Take it or leave it. When that happens the governments of the world will impose hefty taxes on tobacco. Happened last time.
Silver coin is probably the best bet because last time the governments outlawed dealing in gold. Remember, this is pretty much a repeat. If you live like history never existed then I guess it'll be all new!
Also, I again advise to get yourself some snuff tobacco. 'Toque Quit' is really great. Get yourself a big tin or buy it in the bulk plastic bag. I've stocked up on a bit of coffee as well. It's not that tobacco or coffee will disappear, these didn't disappear last time, it's just that they'll be very expensive to purchase when the currencies of the world go down the S-bend of history.

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