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The smoking fet--- and anti-smoking laws.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: The smoking fet--- and anti-smoking laws.

I do wonder if the smoking fet--- might be one reason why the rush of anti-smoking legislation being taken up by many governments around the world at the moment will never entirely eliminate smoking. For me, I now find that S-- with a non-smoker is missing something. There is something wonderfully erotic about a smoking woman, and however attractive the lady might be otherwise, a non-smoker just is not as much of a turn-on for me as a smoker.

Considering how popular and widespread the smoking fet--- appears to be, could that put a spanner in the works of the governments and anti-smoking groups seeking to eradicate smoking from society?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

i wouldnt be suprised if some members of parliment who are the ones pushing for it to be banned just about everywhere are fetishers themselves!
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January 7, 2006
Posts: 21

PostPosted:     Post subject: I'm afriad not
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Just over a year ago I wrote to Simon Clark, explaining my smoking fet--- and that I felt I was being discriminated against because of my s----lity. He replied that I should not use S-- as a means of campaigning against the ban becuase it would not help the cause and might even damage it and that there r much better reasons why smoking in public should not be banned and which would hold much more weight with the public. So I don't think smoke fetishists will have much influence on antismoking legislation.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Would the smoking fet--- lead to people being more likely to ignore any anti-smoking laws, though?

Although the smoking fet--- may be considered something of a shady back room phenomenon with only limited appeal, the tobacco industry did pour a lot of time and money into glamourising smoking, encouraging the smoking fet--- (though perhaps not specifically with the smoking fet--- itself in mind). The results of those efforts will not be likely to simply be washed away overnight, however draconian the anti-smoking laws may become. The smoking fet--- is, from what I have noticed, far more widespread and mainstream than many would seek to believe, helping to make smoking more popular and acceptable than reports in the news media may suggest.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: OUR MOST UNIQUE FETISH...

Since "going public" w/ my smoking fet--- only six years ago, I've discovered just how ignorant people are, & how they react, not respond to that which is unfamiliar/unknown to them. So many people, be it men or women who themselves smoke, are taken back when told how I feel about smoking...they're overwhelmed w/ this information & almost instinctively become defensive. They wonder why they haven't known about it themselves, & feelings of insecurity begin to occupy their thoughts. That which is new to them begins to take hold as that which is odd or strange, & "since they've never heard of such a fetish, it can't be normal." Because they don't play w/ their smoke, those that do are perceived as different, & even weird. They now find such behaviors silly, out of the ordinary, or something normal people wouldn't engage nor embrace!
The tone in their voice says it all as they question the validity of what has been told to them. "You what"?..."How could you think of smoking as sexy"? "What do you mean play w/ your smoke"? "Where did you ever come up w/ such ideas"?
People are afraid of the unknown, especially those w/ authority! "Out of sight...out of mind"! Its a strange world we live in for sure!

Oicudoit2 aka ImportCigars
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`PS...the smoking fet--- is real, & is here to stay! No matter how many negatives are thrown at it or the folks that posess it, they can never eradicate it!

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