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Risks to health...

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Hi all. Okay, so smoking is really bad for health - there can be no denying that fact any more... but people's attitudes to that are so stupid! We in the UK are discussing a partial ban and the government is deeply split on the issue. What makes me laugh, though, is the moralising hypocrisy of it all. The risks to others are minor and, moreover, easily controllable.
What is worse, though, is that many of the folks who express truly puritcanical`zeal on this eat excessively poor diets and lead sedentary lives. They drive cars in which internal pollutant emssions - of benzenes etc - run at very high levels - especially when their cars are brand new. The airborne toxins run then at very high levels. Their carbon footprints are much larger than mine, in broad terms.

Given all these facts, their level of hypocrisy is phenomenal... God! What an utterly derelict non-debate! There, that's enough by way of a rant for now, I think! Happy smoking everyone
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June 7, 2008
Posts: 21

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`I recommend that anyone interested Google "Jim Humble" or "chlorine dioxide". Cheapest, fastest cancer killer that there is. Also works on a lot of other conditions as well. I use it and swear by it.


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May 26, 2010
Posts: 14

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`I don't care about health problems!! I love smoking and the pleasure that the creamy smoke offers to me!!! I smoke 4-5 ppd and I am proud for this, I love smoking a lot!! ICANNOT live without it!!! It kills me but is a sweet killing!! The best pleasure ever!!! If I will die I will die with smokefilled lungs!!! isn't it a sweet death?? Offcourse it is!!! I am a slave of the magnificent nicotine! The best substnce in the world!!!!

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February 27, 2011
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`I personally love what my smoking is doing to me. Every time I cough, I smile and think about what cigarettes have done to my lungs, and if I'm not already lit, I fire one up and celebrate my addiction. For me, the damage, disease and death caused by smoking only proves how trully addicted and in love I am with cigarettes. The tar blackened, wheezy hacking lungs in my chest only remind me of how much I love to smoke, and like Dean...yeah, its gonna kill me, but its a sweet killing. Keep smoking!

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July 22, 2012
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cmh1981 wrote: `I personally love what my smoking is doing to me. Every time I cough, I smile and think about what cigarettes have done to my lungs, and if I'm not already lit, I fire one up and celebrate my addiction. For me, the damage, disease and death caused by smoking only proves how trully addicted and in love I am with cigarettes. The tar blackened, wheezy hacking lungs in my chest only remind me of how much I love to smoke, and like Dean...yeah, its gonna kill me, but its a sweet killing. Keep smoking!

This, a thousand times.

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August 8, 2013
Posts: 18

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`There are always people who are worried about the health of other concerns, even they live unhealthy. I do not understand, they should take care of themselves, their environment and their family. No smoking bothers them, they do not need to smoke with me, let them rejoice when I relish inhale the smoke and keep their mouths shut.

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May 26, 2010
Posts: 14

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`I know that smoking is unhealthy but I have accpeted it. We all will die one day.
Smoking is a huge pleasure and nothing compares to it. For me is one of the reason to live, so I will continue to smoke without regrets.

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