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Can women have the smoking fetish?
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June 18, 2005
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women that I have met enjoyed the fet--- and accomodated my needs but didn't have it themselves. The people I have met that have the fet--- have all been attracted to women smoking only.

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Posted:     Post subject: Women with the fetish

Hello everybody

I think there are some women out there who generally have the fet--- but from my experience it manifests in different ways.

There are women out there who smoke, women who smoke and understand that men can get turned on by their smoking, there are women out there who intuitively understand the glamour and mystique around their smoking. And then there are those rare breed (IMO) who generally are fetishists themselves.

But whereas us men almost always get turned on by watching women smoke, most of the ladies with thef etish I've met get turned on by their own smoking - knowing how turned on I am by them. I think this is the difference between men (who love the visuals) and women who seem to love the effect they're having on others!

Just my two cents!


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January 17, 2008
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I had fun reading this post...its great to see others with this wonderful fetish.

I have yet to find a woman who enjoys the fet--- as much as I do, in Tennessee at least.

I guess I haven't looked hard enough!

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Posted:     Post subject:

Yes women can have a smoking fetish. I have one. I love to see a man smoking. I was brought up in working class family where all the men have smoked. To me all man should smoke . I don't trust any man that dosn't

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Posted:     Post subject: WOMEN & THE SMOKING FETISH...

Fetishes are indeed a rarity w/ women, but as has been noted, can/do exist. Imagery is a most important factor, & most men utilize images when they perceive something as erotic or "sexy"...generally women play on the emotional aspect of their erotic perceptions.
We are very fortunate to enjoy such a fet--- that is so multi-faceted...some people are drawn to the glamour aspect, while others lean toward the darker side. So many factors can be present at that point when smoking is captured & stored away in our psyches! I know of no other such proclivity that affords such enjoy it, explore it, but above all...share it w/ others!

Oicudoit2 aka ImportCigars
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Posted:     Post subject:

angelwing wrote: im that rarity!

I love men who smoke, of course im the kind who thinks musculair men are hot to.

Really corny huh?


Waww, how come? i've never found any...

"life is the art of dying slowly"
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Posted:     Post subject:

`i have a smoking fetish, but its almost entirely self-centered. I enjoy watching myself smoke in a mirror. I do like to see other women smoke. But weirdly enough I find men who smoke slightly feminine. (not offense to those here, its never stopped me from finding them sexy in general)

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October 21, 2004
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Cool to read there are women/girls with the fetish, I've only met one until now. Too bad they are so hard to find and contact

I recognise what you say about the self centered thing Mara, I also like to watch myself smoking. I even recorded some video's to watch myself
If you'd like to share some thoughts on the subject or chat about smoking in general just contact me.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`This is a great topic, shouldn't be left abandoned for over three months. I'm yet to find a woman in real life that has a smoking fetish. But even better would be to know that there are women out there that have a fettish of getting excited about smoking for others to see or smoking while having s--.

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December 24, 2009
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`It is a great topic, indeed. It was very good to read all the comments of the women about how they love to smoke. I enjoyed lovestosmoke's comment the most. I have had the fet--- for around 20 years now but I have never met any girl like these. I never shared my secret fet--- with any of my girlfriends, just enjoyed watching them, I kissed them many times when they had the smoke in their lungs and loved the feeling. I never had the bravery to talk with them about my fetish. Actually it might have been a mistake. Maybe with my next one....

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I have had the fet--- since I was very young. I had a girlfriend for yrs that share the fet--- with me and enjoyed it as much as I did. It was quite erotic for both of us. I miss her a lot.

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Posted:     Post subject:

I think many more men have the smoking fet--- than women.I know other gay men like me that also have it.However i do think lots of women realize the power of their smoking over men and how it arouses guys with the seductiveness of it.Therefore they often smoke seductively for men and seem to get off on being watched.It is more a tool in their feminine arsenal than a fet--- and joins hot skirts push up bras lingerie and whatever else it takes to get male attention thats all.In the old days youd see women smoke in bars as if performing for men knowing eager male eyes watched that cigarette disappear in their mouth likely with the male wondering what his c--- would feel like in there as well.

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April 15, 2011
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`I guess I am one of those 1 in a million girls that has the fetish, although it's a bit complicated in my case. I got the fet--- more with women than with men, because it's almost as if men just cannot smoke in a sexy kind of way...

I do have the feeling there are a lot more women out there with the smoking fet--- than most of us would suspect, it's only that taboo that withholds women from admitting to their 'dirty little secret'.

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Posted:     Post subject: yes and I let one go!

I was introduced to smoking fet--- but a girlfriend many many years ago who loved to blow smoke in my face during s--.[her idea] Why didn't I marry her???

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Posted:     Post subject:

I am a woman and I have definitely have a smoking fetish. I like to watch myself smoke in a mirror and I like to watch other women smoke if they are smoking 120s. I like to wear leather clothes when I smoke, especially leather gloves. I think my fet--- comes from having two aunts that smoked and wore gloves. One aunt was especially attractive and I loved to watch her smoke. Maybe they had fetishes too.

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