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really odd question :)

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May 15, 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: really odd question :)
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Hey there. I have a quick question and I was wondering if anyone had an idea.

I recently purchased a carton of smokes and they are stale. I've been smoking them regardless because it cost me 50 bucks I started getting symptoms of like a head cold/ sinus infection. I'm wondering if it could be caused from the cigs being stale? Or if I'm just getting sick from the weather changes or something. This has never happened before so I was curious if there were other things except them tasting like crap.

Thanks :)

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December 6, 2005
Posts: 7

PostPosted:     Post subject: FSC's
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No, I don't think that's an odd's one many of us have been asking lately.

The symptoms you're experiencing are almost certainly due to the new 'Fire-Safe Cigarettes' that have now come onto the market in most states. They've been giving a lot of people respiratory-related issues and have an 'off' taste reminiscent of being stale.

Look on the packs or carton near the date code to see if they say 'FSC'. I'm betting they will.

The way out of this is to roll your own! While I realize this may be somewhat unpalatable for some people (it was for me at first), it's actually an interesting and enjoyable experience which can open up a whole new world.

You'll need 3 things: Filter Tubes, a Rolling Machine, and RYO tobacco, which is much much less expensive (1/2 price or less) than buying commercial cigarettes.

I recommend American Spirit RYO Tobacco to start off with - comes in Regular, Light, Menthol, and even Organic Blend. The filter tubes can be kings or 100's, light or full-flavor.

You'll end up with a much better quality taste and experience, and as an added benefit, won't have to deal with the myriad of additives (e.g., chemicals) that are found in commercial cigarettes.

Alternatively, you can try to find non-FSC cigarettes while they're still around, but sadly that won't be very much longer - unless and until we're able to stand up and stop the FSC madness.

I'm convinced that this FSC junk is ultimately just a plan by the antis to force cigarettes into tasting like crap and making us sick so we'll all just quit and they can have their way. 'Cause they know what's best for us and we don't.

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May 15, 2010
Posts: 2

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Yeah I checked the side and they do say FSC. That is really upsetting because I did notice them going stale a lot sooner too. I'm definately going to take your advice and start rolling my own soon. Thanks a lot. :)

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March 22, 2010
Posts: 9

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`Wow! I'm amazed you hadn't noticed before now. I've been having a hard time finding non fsc cigs since nov of 2009. You have to specifically ask for them and most store clerks tend to get upset and not want to check the barcode before you purchase, especially if they don't smoke. I've been lucky enough to find these regular cigs and even though they should be stale, they are WAY better than any FSC cigarette. If you do seek out original cigarettes, try the soft pack 100's. Most stores seem to still have some since they aren't smoked as commonly. I like Newports and Marlboro menthol. And there are still packs in exhistance! I fear not for much longer though. Enjoy them while you can!

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