Marksk, 42

1 week ago
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Kassel, Germany

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smoke with me if you wanna live
Ich hab mit 13 mit dem Rauchen angefangen, mit etwa 3-5 Zigaretten am Tag. Mit 15 wurde das schnell mehr und stieg auf über 10 Zigaretten bis hin zu 20 am Tag. Aus dem anfänglichen rumprobieren ist also schnell eine Leidenschaft geworden. Mein Pensum ist dabei sehr unterschiedlich, leider immer abhängig von Tag und Gelegenheit. Unter 10 geht gar nichts, aber an guten Tagen sind es locker über 50 Zigaretten. Immer lieber mehr als weniger.

I started smoking when I was 13, with like 3-5 cigarettes a day. It rapidly grew stronger when I was 15, from 10 cigarettes a day up to 20. It was about that time when I moved from "just trying it out" to "I love to smoke" I think. Nowadays I smoke between 10 and over 50 cigarettes a day, depending on the day and opportunity ... but I always prefer the 50. Always want to smoke more.
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 5'11"
Weight 170 lbs
Body Type average, slender, fit, athletic
Movies indie, romantic comedy, fantasy, steamy, action, romance, sci-fi
Orientation straight
Eye Color green, brown
Hair Color dark brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Have Kids no - do not want kids
Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Do you smoke? daily, like a chimney, cigarettes, chain smoker
Personality coffeeholic
I'm looking for relationship, friends only, miss right now, miss right, soulmate, romance, dating, fun, conversation, something interesting
My Sign i was born in january
Military Service navy
Gender Male
Music Metal, Rock, Indie, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock
Hair Style short hair
Languages English, German
Looking for
Their Body Type supermodel, slim, slender, skinny, athletic, average, fit
Orientation straight
Relationship divorced, single, single - never married, widowed
Do they smoke? chain smoker, like a chimney, daily, cigarettes
Political Views not interested in politics
Personality flirt, coffeeholic
They are looking for conversation, dating, friends - with benefits, something REALLY hot
Gender Female
Music Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock, Rock, Metal

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