Smoking Fetish Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 650 members

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My smoking Fetish
Heya everyone, I'm new to the smoking fet--- scene. My first thought about being really into women smoking was when I was on a night out a few years ago and managed to pick up a girl in a smoking area. We headed off to mine and I got so T**ned on when she was smoking outside and it was just me and her.
Long story short. Ive been looking for someone (Female) professional or otherwise who will fulfil my need and desire for smoking.

Ive been in contact with a couple of "Professionals" but they seem to be a little sketchy and just request money straight away.

Is anybody on here in contact with a reliable "Professional" that they would recommend.

Thanks Khan

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Newport 100s smokers ?
Hello, My name is Tanya, I am 25 years old and a devoted smoker.
Allthough I live in europe I do love to smoke those awesome Newport 100s menthol.
Are there Newport smokers here too ?

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Are Women Like Me The Exception?
I've read many of the opinions in another thread about women and the smoking fetish. I may be the exception, I don't know, but smoking and watching others smoke turns me on. I have engaged in smoky S-- for many years. Even the sharing of smoke. s----l enjoyment, for me, is magnified dramatically when it's combined with smoke.

Like others have opined, it's true that I'm a woman who enjoys watching women smoking more than men, but that's [i:3dd9948dda]only because there aren't many men who smoke in a sexy, ------- way. They tend to rush, just to quickly get some nicotine. But, when I manage to catch sight of a man who truly relishes every breath of smoke, I'm mesmerized and aroused every time. The sight of smoke slowly flowing from his pursed lips just knocks me over.

I know I can't be alone in this, can I? We're out there!


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cerco bel tipo fumatore
[b:6a28c5154a]mi piacciono i bei maschi che fumano.. specialmente i ciclista che indossano la tuta.. io sono gay, cerco divertimento, fattevi avanti,, ho Skype..:-) :D

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Who is obsessed with menthol cigarettes and.why?
I love my menthol cigarettes and became seriously addicted to st moritz menthols and alpine menthol ciggies because I wanted to see what it felt like to develop an addiction to smoking. The white filtered menthols are sexy and I have had two girlfriends who smoked menthols, one a chain smoker, who I regret leaving.

Love to hear what got girls onto their menthols and why they love them.

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Women smoking in high heels
I saw someone had posted something about men smoking in high heels. Well I thought us ladies should not be left out. For me there in nothing like slipping on a pair of high heels. I wear heels every day and have for a long time. For me heels help complete that sexy feminine look. Would any other women agree?

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Men smoking in high heels
Do any men here enjoy smoking in high heels ? I love smoking while wearing cowboy boots with 3 inch heels, especially with a More 120 or large cigar. I also enjoy wearing women's shoes.

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smoking question for women
I've always had this thing about watching a woman smoke, and exhaling large amounts of smoke. I just think it looks really sexy when a woman exhales a lot of thick smoke. I'm curious to know if any women would actually blow cigarette smoke in a guys face if he was her boyfriend or just friend. I have the biggest fet--- for women blowing smoke on me or in my face, but I've always been scared to admit it. So i'm just curious is there any women that would blow smoke on a guy or in his face just for fun? Would it be lots of smoke?

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smoking turn ons?
so does smoking turn you on? if so why?

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A group for people who have a fetish for smoking, whether its the act itself or watching others smoke.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Smoking Fetish Group
There are a LOT of groups within this site and throughout the network. Only post comments and replies specific to this group in this area.
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1) Hate Speech
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Recent Posts
My smoking Fetish
Heya everyone, I'm new to the smoking fet--- scene. My first thought about...
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Newport 100s smokers ?
Hello, My name is Tanya, I am 25 years old and a devoted smoker. All...
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4 years ago
Are Women Like Me The Exception?
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cerco bel tipo fumatore
[b:6a28c5154a]mi piacciono i bei maschi che fumano.. specialmente i ciclist...
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Who is obsessed with menthol cigarettes and.why?
I love my menthol cigarettes and became seriously addicted to st moritz men...
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Women smoking in high heels
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smoking question for women
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smoking turn ons?
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