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.......Smoking Passions 'Chat Room'

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: .......Smoking Passions 'Chat Room'


Have only just tonight seen the 'Smoking Passions' chat room !

Typical of my luck, as one of the women I occasionally exchange E-mails with was in there only less than an hour earlier !!!!!!!!
(oh well, maybe I'll catch her another night ?)

Would be nice to see more folks go in there & stoke-up the fire, as it were

I often use a chat-room on an Aircraft-orientated forum & it's often pretty lively, but, naturally, it needs NUMBERS & participants to thrive.

Well, it does, but, I wondered how many of you have used/tried this 'Smoking Passions' one with any success ?


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I've dropped by before to see if anyone was on. I would again too.
peace love

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May 18, 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: .......Smoking Passions 'Chat Room'
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I drop in on the chatroom every now and again. When I do, I scroll back and see that others join, wait like two seconds and then leave, missing the person who does the same a few minutes later. If people would only stay in the room then they'd get to talk to one another.

I tend to wait 10-15 mins before giving up and trying later. I have been known to watch a film while waiting, and then pausing when someone joins. It seems that the impatient types actually stay for a while if someone is in the room already.

I imagine part of the problem is the dire state of the chatroom software. The cam images are low-resolution enough to make them next to useless. You can zoom in, but that just makes the pixels larger. It doesn't increase the resolution in the slightest.

Also, you can't be in the room for an hour without being disconnected and auto-reconnected at least five times. I attribute that to a lack of bandwidth, which is probably why the cam feeds are set to such a low resolution too.

Maybe the site owner would consider moving to a different chatroom provider, such as 123 Flash Chat instead of Userplane Webchat. Modern chatroom providers tend to provide much better cam feeds (up to HD) and include all the bandwidth you can eat in the fee. I believe most of them are cheaper than Userplane too.

I don't work for any of the chatroom software providers, but I do think that if the facility was better then more people would use it. That would lead to more regular users and the resulting word of mouth would help the site grow beyond the handful of regulars it has at the moment.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I also use the chatroom, but like Jessica find it frustrating and nort very well attended. If you are online, please just log in and check, it would be nice to chat x

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April 7, 2010
Posts: 6

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`Yes, Jess and Nicotina make their own valid points, the chat room is very hit and miss in terms of its tech specs and its attendance.
However, lots of members I chat to seem unsure how to use any of it and i do have to say Ive met some sound people there.
So yeah, it could be better, but it could be a hell of a lot worse, as in not exist at all!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`i have an avatar and i am unable to access the chatroom, any help would be appreciated. this is striker78. please send me a message.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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striker78 wrote: `i have an avatar and i am unable to access the chatroom, any help would be appreciated. this is striker78. please send me a message.

We logged into your account, and see that you have an Avatar assigned for Chat now.

We were able to open the chat system without any problem, and we could see that you were in there earlier.

Our guess is that you posted this comment prior to fixing the problem that prevented you from accessing chat.

If you have problems in the future, it is best to contact us directly using the 'Contact Us' form in the HELP area.



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