Spending time with friends and those i love is something i believe it is very important in my life.How i will spend that time with my friends depends on the mood and the occasion.Could be staying home watching a dvd, going out for some drinks, a simple walk,Cinema,clubbing or many more.
What i believe in?
I believe in honesty and say the things how they are without sugarcoating even if that have backfired on me in the past. Its something i expect from the others to do for me as well.
Who am i looking for?
Someone that we can both share everything and i mean EVERYTHING! I believe that when it comes to a partner you have to be open and that person should be the one that brings every experience in life to a higher level. The woman that her smile will make me feel i am in the paradise. If it sounds over romantic to you then maybe you are not my type. I am aware that we all have our flaws and bad days though as we are humans. I am looking for someone who will "walk beside" me for what i am and not what would imagines i am or would like to make me be.
How should she look like?
Two things on a womans look are important for me, a sweet/nice face (ideally a baby faced

If you made it to read all those things then give it a try and message me, i would be glad to talk about anything you would like and feel free to ask anything it comes on your mind