Cigarettes Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 2433 members

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Advice on where to buy VS120 Menthol
hi there,

I am new here so I am not sure about the rules on this forum.

I would like to buy Virginia Slims Menthol Silver for my wife. I am from South Africa however and do not have access to this.

Can anyone advise me where I can buy these online? Preferably with a debit/credit card as it is better to deal with fraud. I have found a site or 2 but they accept Western Union which is a pain to deal with and also I wonder how legit they are.

I would appreciate any assistance in this regard.

Thank you

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Menthol cigarette smokers
Why did you take up menthol cigarettes and how addicted are you to your menthols?

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online cigarrette purchases
Any one from Canada out there ever bought smokes online? If so can you recomend a reputable web site. Did you end up paying duty when they arrived? With the cost of cigarettes in Ont. I buy mine from a native reserve when I can get there but have a fondness for American Salem's. I have bought them "accross the border" and paid the duty so I know how much that costs. Just looking for a cheaper solution.

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Are you a More 120s smoker ?
Does anyone here enjoy smoking More 120s ? I know they are targetted at the female market but I find men who smoke them really hot.

5 replies
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watching football tonight and basicly chained smoked
I was watching football tonight and chain smoked 2 packs of cigarettes during the entire game. I'm feeling good! :)

2 replies
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what is the favourite brand of cigarettes among gay men
hi im a 52 year old gay man who loves smoking 120s just wondering what other gay men smoke

anju smoker
7 replies
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Alternatve to regular cigarettes?
Are we men ready for slim cigarettes or do we still consider them meant for women only???

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i think i OD'ed on nicotine can someone help?
what can i do to help myself stop feeling so nauseous at home, i'm slightly dizzy and already took some peptobismol so any help would really be appreciated

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Gay Guys that smoke 100's
I have always had an attraction to guys that smoke cigarettes. Even before I knew I was gay, I would galk at almost any man smoking. By the time I was old enough to go to bars I had started to smoke one at parties or occasionly buy a pack. I truely loved it. By the time I finally realized I was prob gay, I was an addicted smoker.
When I went to my first gay bar at 23, I was smoking about a pack or Marlboro Lights or Parliaments ever few days. I rember going to Woodys, a local gay bar. I was so scared to walk in the door, so many guys that were attracted to guys. I never thought there would be so many. I remember getting carded at the door. My hand were shaking. I was very closeted at the time.
Through my observations at gay bars, I soon figured out that alot of gay guys smoke 100's, I thought it was so hot. I would love to see a guy dangle a long cigarette. It would get me totally aroused. I would try to get a guys attention buy bumming a 100's from them. Many times it led to a fun night! Most guys were smoking Marlboro Light 100's and BH 100's, as well as a few Salem and Newport guys. Any other guys that are attracted to 100's guys or think it sexy?

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Let's Talk About Smoking
Let me be up front. I’m not a smoker, but fully understand why smokers like to smoke, in spite of the fact that everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is very bad for you. Each year more people die from smoking related illnesses than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, automobile accidents, fires and AIDS combined .

There are 4,000 chemicals in a cigarette; At least 43 of them are known carcinogens.

Also, Right now there are bans against smoking happening all over the country, and they’re increasing at an amazing rate. Businesses, public buildings, beaches, public transportation, and smoking has even been banned by some cities in your own back yard.

That’s pretty scary stuff….certainly you would think that would be enough to get people to stop smoking cigarettes. But, not so! I’ve never been addicted to cigarettes, can’t begin to imagine the difficulty of trying to stop smoking.

My sister started smoking when she was 14 and continued to smoke all her life…She just turned 60. She smoked 2 packs a day and just couldn’t stop smoking tobacco cigarettes. For 20 years she tried the patch, gum, hypnosis, cold turkey, and almost everything else you could think of. Nada!

Then, I found this amazing new device…an electronic cigarette. It’s the first real alternative to smoking cigarettes I’ve ever seen that really makes sense. This unique electronic cigarette delivers nicotine (from vegetables, no less) through a plain water vapor mist that looks, feels, and tastes very much like smoking. But, it has no combustion, no second-hand smoke, no lingering smell, and no known cancer causing agents…absolutely no harmful effects common to all cigarettes.

And, it can be used in most places where smoking is prohibited including offices, restaurants and other public places. My sister’s family loves it. I laugh because she came over to my house about a week after she started using it and said, “My closet really stinks!” I said, “Yeah, we’ve been trying to tell you that for 25 years...” ha-ha. Now she can sit next to us and enjoy “smoking” without effecting our personal space or health. I first saw these on CNN news and on specials like Good Morning America. They are really cool!

By the way, my sister has been using it now for 4 weeks and hasn’t had a cigarette, or the urge for one. Now, that’s a miracle. Oh, here’s a really good testimonial. She went into the hospital overnight for some tests 3 days ago. She showed the nurses what the device was, and they actually let her smoke it…in her hospital room. Can you believe that?

Has anyone had success with these? From what I’ve seen, they are amazing. I think someday these will be as common-place as the cell phone.

I you’d like to shoot you some info on it, shoot me an e-mail.

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A group for people who smoke cigarettes, whether its filtered, unfiltered, menthol or all-natural.
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(BETA - In Development)
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